Uses For Adding a New Garage in Indianapolis
Every Memorial Day weekend, the sights and sounds of the “Indy 500” remind the residents – and their guests! – of Indianapolis that automobiles are an integral part of their heritage and of their everyday life. In fact, the city positively thrives on the rattle and hum of cars as they make their way back and forth across town.
Indeed, it is rare to find an Indianapolis home without a garage. This fact notwithsatnding, there are many folks who additionally recognize the value of a garage as more than just a vehicle storage site. For these more forward-thinking people, a garage is really much, much more.
Here are just a few of the more innovative ways they use them:
As play or hobby space – Having a separate play space in the garage for the kids is a great way to keep them happy – and safe! – and your life a little less noisy. A corner of the space can even be dedicated to your hobbyist pursuits – such as craft making, model building or card playing – so you can get a little alone time as well.
As a media space – Creating a dedicated media room – with home theater system, stereo equipment, bar and even a popcorn machine – makes for a room that the whole family will enjoy. It also makes a great place to hold sleepover or birthday parties.
As additional work space – Whether you need a home office or a place to use your power tools, a garage setting leaves you free to work without the distractions of the main house. In addition, everything is secure and safe from prying but innocent hands. It also keeps any paper, dirt or debris associated with your job out of the house.
As apartment space – Adding an apartment beside or above your garage is a great way to give a newly minted graduate or a retiring elderly parent a place of their own without breaking the proverbial bank. And – if they do decide to finally move out on their own – the apartment can be rented out for additional monthly income.